
Final Project

At first, i did not know what to do with my final project, as i am the kind of people who will be stuck in  those free style things. Stuck a few days, one day i saw this sentence: Life is a journey. After coming to the United States, i have been a lot of places which keep perfecting my life. I love to be a stranger in a place as when nobody knows you and you can be anyone you like in front of people; you do not have to be yourself when being around people you know. Besides, i love to know different places of customs and culture. The more i know, the more i can get to know the world.

In my brainstorm, i firstly tended to post all places that i went to in my project. Although there will be abundant contents, the pictures i picked may be not so 'wow' to the people who watch my project as our teacher Kellner once told me that if you want to show something to people, it should be something different to make people feel unique. So after i have done 50% of my project, i decided to redo it again. This time, the final project may not good enough, but compared to my previous one, it has made a lot progress.

In my project, i picked four places, which are Berkeley, San Diego, New York and Philadelphia. I know that people may be quite familiar with those places. But i think in my angle, i want to show some different. Berkeley is the place where i spent last summer there. In my dorm, there is a window which i can see faraway sunset everyday, so after summer class, i love to watch over the changing surrounding with sunset and i really enjoy the changing color. For San Diego, the weather and sceneries are quite different as in Columbus. It has comfortable sunshine, vivid plants and vigorous animals there. I am so into these difference in San Diego, so i want to show the lovely flowers and animals.

I went to New York in Thanksgiving last year. In the stereotype, people think New York is the place where all newest thing like fashion stuffs, movies, and electronic products. But that time, i saw a different New York; those antique building are really fascinating especially in Thanksgiving. They are like delicate packed gifts to welcome the festival, no inferior those modern skyscrapers. The last one is Philadelphia. I used to only know Philadelphia is a historical city with many events happened there. But this time, apart from Liberty Bell and Congress Hall, i also visited museums there. I saw different exhibitions of different countries and enjoyed profound art work, which impressed me a lot. Therefore, i prefer to use pictures that i took in the museums to represent the way i think of Philadelphia.

