
Response to “Cardiff, Miller and the Power of Sound”

Cardiff and Miller is a couple of artists who are known for their sound art work. Unlike other artists, they prefer the sound to create their art, recording different people's lives and projects, like using the sound of station to create one project. Cardiff said that 'What comes before and after, though, is just as important.' When the author was on the iPod walking through the train station, he got so involved and focused on what he was hearing in the iPod speakers and what he was seeing on the screen he thought it was actually real life. Therefore, he even tried to avoid the approaching things on unconscious. That reminds me the world’s first film screening in 1985. When Auguste and Louis Lumière played their shot film of train, most of the audience tried to avoid the coming train. 

I really enjoyed this article and The way Cardiff and Miller present their art has broaden my mind. I found nothing difficult to interrupt my reading. 

